
Published by Andrew Yevtushenko

on Dec 3, 2020

Web Development. Basics of the Job

It seems that there are crowds of web developers here and there, still the job is marked among those which are always in demand. The growing number and diversity of professionals don’t set the scarcity of places on the labor market in the sphere. And the reason is really simple: people around the world open more and more opportunities provided by modern websites for all the spheres of professional and personal activities.

“Everyone wants a website,” says Brandon Swift, co-founder of Santa Barbara-based Volt Commerce. “As a web developer, you’ll never be short on work. I mean never!” And that seems to be the pure truth: total employment in this sphere is projected to grow 27 percent through 2024, three times faster than average for all occupations according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). British resource National Career Service also provides statistics showing the dynamic growth and it is forecasted to continue.

So, naturally, there are more and more people who start their path or broaden professional horizons in the sphere as well as growing number of customers who need to get into basics of the job for understanding the process and setting effective collaboration with web designers and developers. 

Nowadays, average internet users often confuse web design with web development, but there is a huge difference between the two. That is why we have decided to start the series of posts in Tubik Blog unveiling basic and specific aspects of web development for all those who are interested in the theme. Today let’s start talking about the basics.

What is web development?

Web development is the process of building a website or web application from scratch which includes creating custom code to accommodate unique needs, developing everything from the site layout to features and functions on the webpage or web application.

Typically, web developer’s primary task is building a reliable and high performing website or web application. What should we get as the basis of the web development process? First of all, it is necessary to know the main areas of web development and specificity of each.

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