
Published by Marina Yalanska

on Dec 22, 2020

From Zero to Hero: Look at Hero Images in Web Design

With the growing attention to prominent visual details and diversity of graphics on modern websites, the approach of using a hero image seems to move from trends to well-established strategies. In today’s article, we’re going to discuss what is hero image, why it’s important in web design and how to make it work for your goals. And sure, we’ll show that all on multiple web design examples by the studio team.

What Is a Hero Image?

In web design, “hero image” is a term that is applied to a big eye-catching image that is usually seen in the above-the-fold zone of the webpage right below the website header. This simple scheme from Balsamiq covers the basic idea.

As it’s seen from the wireframe above, a hero image usually takes almost all pre-scroll full-width space on the page. The other layout elements (call-to-action button, text, etc.) are located in the header and on or around the hero image to present a consistent and balanced visual composition.

Make no mistake, the term doesn’t require that all images of this kind should include only a human, animal, mascot or any other kind of a character. Don’t get stereotyped with that “hero” part. It can be also the theme image featuring a landscape, a device, a building – anything, even an abstract model or composition. The main idea is that the image instantly grabs attention and allows for setting the quick visual, emotional and informative connection with the user.

Why Is Hero Image Important?

Why is it hero? There are several points answering this question.

  • Attention and impression. First, because it activates the power of visual perception from the first seconds. No secret, there is no much time to impress the first-time visitor to the website or to catch attention to new offers. The hero image gives a chance to impress the users as fast as possible.

  • Information. Most people perceive and decode images much faster than words. It means that the hero image is not only the element of attraction – it’s also an informative part of the page, providing a quick visual message about the content.

  • Navigation. The correct composition of the hero image can strengthen navigation and bring more attention to the call-to-action button.

  • Emotional appeal. No secret, emotional background of user experience plays a big role and makes communication between the website and its visitor more human-like. Hero images are a well-proven way to transfer the needed emotions via images, shapes, and colors, and set the needed atmosphere from the first seconds of interaction.

  • Aesthetic satisfaction. Offer and functionality of the website are a priority, sure. Still, people also expect to get their eyes pleased. Aesthetics means much in terms of high competition on the web and rising desirability as a part of a positive user experience. A hero image is one of the ways to activate aesthetics at once.

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